Responsibility and commitment

Data protection law is the basis of our modern informational self-determination. Today, data is one of the most precious ‘raw materials’ and how, when, where - but also why - it is handled should be important to everyone.

What private individuals still have to be taught over a long period of time is already being strictly prosecuted and penalised in the private sector. Data protection law has become an integral part of economic activity, and not just since the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation, DSGVO) came into force in May 2018. Anyone who does not handle the data of their customers and employees properly now not only jeopardises this data, but also their own business and company through expensive penalties or warnings. This is particularly critical when it comes to the most visible aspect of a company's public image, its internet presence and website. Advice from an expert lawyer specialising in data protection law should be a matter of course today.

Data protection law Munich


Don't take any unnecessary risks when it comes to data protection law. Data protection is important. It can only work if we all identify with it and live data protection in our own company. The legal requirements in data protection law are not always logical and practical; in fact, they are very often annoying, inconsistent and unnecessarily expensive to implement. However, the best way to change this in the future is to take data protection law seriously and minimise data protection scandals in the future.

Seek advice from an experienced lawyer and avoid problems with data protection law by acting with foresight on the Internet. With years of experience as a lawyer and business economist, I can help you to minimise the legal risks with regard to the new GDPR in particular.

You can trust us when it comes to data protection law

  • Specialist advice
  • Short-term appointments
  • Always there for you

Contact us for legal advice/initial consultation - in person, phone, video call.


Today, the implementation of data protection law in one's own company must above all be understood as a mature and comprehensive process that affects almost all areas of information processing and must not only be implemented, but also monitored in the future. However, as these processes are different in almost all companies and usually arise from individual conditions, they must also be considered individually. Nevertheless, there is a collection of recurring tasks when implementing data protection law in a company:

  • Reviewing or creating new contracts with relevance to data protection law
  • Creation of legally compliant and individualised data protection declarations (DSE)
  • Review of all processes for the collection and processing of customer data
  • Handling personal data of own employees
  • Checking the obligation to appoint data protection officers
  • Review and adjustment of internal and external commissioned data processing
  • Revision of websites, online shops, social media channels, affiliate systems and business software
  • Creation of concepts for the efficient acceptance and processing of data protection-related enquiries or warnings
  • Creation of declarations of consent (online and offline)
  • Adaptation of general terms and conditions if necessary

Why WE

Experience and expertise in data protection

Expertise is not about holding titles - it is about constant, professionally correct, practical work over many years.


Every case is different - as a lawyer, every case requires its own individual approach in order to do justice to the subject matter and the client.


Legal standards alone do not solve cases - efficient communication between lawyer and client, but also with the opposing party, ensures real results.

Experience as a lawyer

Serving various areas of law with specialised lawyers to represent personal and economic interests.

Get in touch with us

We stand for personal advice, constant availability and professional expertise in data protection in Munich.

+49 (89) / 139 284 10