Professional advice and representation by a lawyer

Today, discrimination is by no means a trivial offence. More and more of those affected are not putting up with it, but are also making sure that equal treatment for all can prevail in everyday life. However, it is usually not possible to take action against discrimination without a lawyer. Old behaviour and habits are still too entrenched in society and can only be broken if the available legal remedies are known and used accordingly.

Lawyer discrimination Munich


As a lawyer in Munich / Neuhausen, I can give you an assessment in a detailed initial consultation of how you can best defend yourself against existing discrimination and what the prospects are for compensation for damages suffered. Discrimination in the workplace in particular frightens and shames many victims at first - as they often initially blame themselves - but the German legal system in particular offers many ways to defend oneself against it.

  • Specialist advice
  • Short-term appointments
  • Always there for you

Contact us for legal advice/initial consultation - in person, phone, video call.


Today, you can feel discriminated against for practically anything. On the one hand, that's not a bad thing, but as a lawyer you also have to look at the legal requirements. These can also change very quickly or be proactively "enforced" with a landmark court judgement. It is therefore important to first clarify what actually constitutes discrimination within the meaning of the law. To put it simply, we can say

Discrimination = unequal treatment BECAUSE of a reason for discrimination WITHOUT a justification

Instead of unequal treatment, the term "disadvantage" can also be used in a generalised way and a justification must be factual and case-related. While these two terms can be very subjective, the list of possible grounds for discrimination must be viewed very objectively - the reason for discrimination must therefore be a generally accepted reason. As a rule, this involves membership of a particular group, primarily groups that represent minorities. Today, widely accepted grounds of discrimination are, for example

  • Discrimination on the basis of gender
  • Discrimination based on origin or descent (skin colour, nationality, language, ethnic origin, birth)
  • Discrimination on the basis of sexual identity
  • Discrimination on the basis of age or physical disability
  • Discrimination on the basis of religion, belief and ideology
  • Discrimination based on political convictions
  • Discrimination based on social background and wealth
  • Discrimination based on genetic characteristics

As you can see, discrimination can affect practically anyone - in practice, however, it will be difficult to prove discrimination if you are not part of a social minority. You also always have to look closely at the underlying justification. Preferential hiring of migrants for the job advertisement of a migration counselling centre can certainly be seen as objectively justified, as can a maximum age in the job advertisement for a fitness trainer.

Nowadays, the issue of discrimination becomes particularly difficult at the boundaries of freedom of opinion, freedom of the press or freedom of art. Even absolute experts often no longer find it easy to formulate the boundary between a permissible opinion and impermissible discrimination. It becomes even more difficult in the media and artistic field when not only opinion but also elements such as satire or irony are involved. Court decisions are often just as "flexible" here as they are on the subject of "offence" - sometimes one way, sometimes another.


Being right and being proved right must be considered in a very special way when it comes to discrimination. This is because discrimination often takes place in places that are characterised by personal interaction. Discrimination in the workplace can be legally remedied, but the disturbed relationship between the parties concerned afterwards makes further co-operation virtually impossible. While in other countries high claims for damages can often be awarded in cases of discrimination, in German courts it is practically always only a matter of eliminating the actual reason for discrimination. However, as mentioned in the example above, you have to think carefully about whether this elimination of the reason really gives you an advantage and is worth the long legal process.


Being right and being proved right must be considered in a very special way when it comes to discrimination. This is because discrimination often takes place in places that are characterised by personal interaction. Discrimination in the workplace can be legally remedied, but the disturbed relationship between the parties concerned afterwards makes further co-operation virtually impossible. While in other countries high claims for damages can often be awarded in cases of discrimination, in German courts it is practically always only a matter of eliminating the actual reason for discrimination. However, as mentioned in the example above, you have to think carefully about whether this elimination of the reason really gives you an advantage and is worth the long legal process.

Frequently asked questions about discrimination

To put it simply, discrimination = unequal treatment BECAUSE of a reason for discrimination WITHOUT an objective justification

Discrimination can affect anyone. The most common grounds are discrimination on the basis of gender, origin, age, sexual orientation, ideology or political beliefs.

Discrimination should always be actively pursued, as such problems almost never resolve themselves. A lawyer is recommended if only because they can take the stressful discussion with the discriminator off your hands.

Why WE

Experience and expertise when it comes to discrimination

Expertise is not about holding titles - it is about constant, professionally correct, practical work over many years.


Every case is different - as a lawyer, every case requires its own individual approach in order to do justice to the subject matter and the client.


Legal standards alone do not solve cases - efficient communication between lawyer and client, but also with the opposing party, ensures real results.

Experience as a lawyer

Serving various areas of law with specialised lawyers to represent personal and economic interests.

Get in touch with us

We stand for personal advice, constant availability and professional expertise when it comes to discrimination law in Munich.

+49 (89) / 139 284 10